Carnavalsoptocht in Lisse

Carnival parade in Lisse

01 Mar 2025,
13:00 hour - 16:00 hour


On Saturday 1 March 2025, the carnival festivities burst into life in Lisse. The whole afternoon will be dedicated to the traditional carnival parade of Carnival Association De Gaapstokken, which will drive through the city centre. It will be another festive afternoon with a merry procession of carnival floats, walking groups and brass bands. Participants will include carnival societies from Sassenheim, Noordwijk, Hillegom and Ter Aar, so it promises to be another beautiful and large carnival parade not to be missed. 

The parade will start at 13:00 from Floralis in Lisse, after which the parade will head towards the city centre. From the intersection Gladiolenstraat / Kanaalstraat in Lisse, the procession will enter the shopping centre.